Source code for beagle.backends.networkx

import inspect
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union, cast

import networkx as nx

from beagle import nodes
from beagle.backends.base_backend import Backend
from beagle.common import dedup_nodes, logger
from beagle.nodes import Node

[docs]class NetworkX(Backend): """NetworkX based backend. Other backends can subclass this backend in order to have access to the underlying NetworkX object. While inserting the Nodes into the graph, the NetworkX object does the following: 1. If the ID of this node (calculated via `Node.__hash__`) is already in the graph, the node is updated with any properties which are in the new node but not the existing node. 2. If we are inserting the an edge type that already exists between two nodes `u` and `v`, the edge data is combined. Notes --------- In `networkx`, adding the same node twice keeps the latest version of the node. Since a node that represents the same thing may appear twice in a log (for example, the same process might appear in a process creation event and a file write event). It's easier to simply update the nodes as you iterate over the `nodes` attribute. Parameters ---------- metadata : dict, optional The metadata from the datasource. consolidate_edges: boolean, optional Controls if edges are consolidated. That is, if the edge of type q from u to v happens N times, should there be one edge from u to v with type q, or should there be N edges. Notes ------- Putting """ def __init__( self, metadata: dict = {}, consolidate_edges: bool = False, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: self.metadata = metadata self.consolidate_edges = consolidate_edges self.G = nx.MultiDiGraph(metadata=metadata) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)"Initialized NetworkX Backend")
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: return len(self.G.nodes()) == 0
[docs] @logger.catch def graph(self) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: """Generates the MultiDiGraph. Places the nodes in the Graph. Returns ------- nx.MultiDiGraph The generated NetworkX object. """"Beginning graph generation.") # De-duplicate nodes. self.nodes = dedup_nodes(self.nodes) for node in self.nodes: # Insert the node into the graph. # This also takes care of edges. self.insert_node(node, hash(node))"Completed graph generation.")"Graph contains {len(self.G.nodes())} nodes and {len(self.G.edges())} edges.") return self.G
[docs] def add_nodes(self, nodes: List[Node]) -> nx.MultiDiGraph:"Appending nodes into existing graph.") nodes = dedup_nodes(nodes) for node in nodes: self.insert_node(node, hash(node))"Completed appending nodes graph.")"Graph contains {len(self.G.nodes())} nodes and {len(self.G.edges())} edges.") return self.G
[docs] def insert_node(self, node: Node, node_id: int) -> None: """Inserts a node into the graph, as well as all edges outbound from it. Parameters ---------- node : Node Node object to insert node_id : int The ID of the node (`hash(node)`) """ # Add the node # If it is in the graph, update with the object from the array. if node_id in self.G: nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, {node_id: {"data": node}}) # Otherwise, insert from the first time else: self.G.add_node(node_id, data=node) # Insert the node's edges # Add in all the edges for this node. for edge_dict in node.edges: for dest_node, edge_data in edge_dict.items(): default_edge_name = edge_data.__name__ edge_instances = [ {"edge_name": entry.pop("edge_name", default_edge_name), "data": entry} for entry in edge_data._events ] if len(edge_instances) == 0: edge_instances = [{"edge_name": default_edge_name}] # Sort by name edge_instances = sorted(edge_instances, key=lambda e: e["edge_name"]) for edge_name, instances in groupby(edge_instances, key=lambda e: e["edge_name"]): self.insert_edges( u=node, # Source node v=dest_node, # Dest Node edge_name=edge_name, # All instances of edges between u->v. Only get the data instances=[e.get("data", None) for e in edge_instances], )
[docs] def insert_edges(self, u: Node, v: Node, edge_name: str, instances: List[dict]) -> None: """Inserts instances of an edge of type `edge_name` from node `u` to `v` Parameters ---------- u : Node Source Node object v : Node Destination Node object edge_name : str Edge Name instances : List[dict] The data entries for the node between `u` and `v`. """ u_id = hash(u) v_id = hash(v) # Add the node if its not in teh graph. if v_id not in self.G.nodes: self.G.add_node(v_id, data=v) # If we consolidate edges, the key is the edge name, and we update the data. if self.consolidate_edges: curr = self.G.get_edge_data(u=u_id, v=v_id, key=edge_name, default=None) if curr is None: self.G.add_edge( u_for_edge=u_id, v_for_edge=v_id, key=edge_name, data=instances, edge_name=edge_name, ) else: nx.set_edge_attributes( self.G, { (u_id, v_id, edge_name): { "data": curr["data"] + instances, # Add old data to new data. "edge_name": edge_name, } }, ) # Otherwise, they key is assigned from NetworkX, and we add the edge type as a label: else: self.G.add_edges_from( [ (u_id, v_id, {"key": edge_name, "data": entry, "edge_name": edge_name}) for entry in instances ] )
[docs] def update_node(self, node: Node, node_id: int) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Update the attributes of a node. Since we may see the same Node in multiple events, we want to have the largest coverage of its attributes. * See :class:`beagle.nodes.node.Node` for how we determine two nodes are the same. This method updates the node already in the graph with the newest attributes from the passed in parameter `Node` Parameters ---------- node : Node The Node object to use to update the node already in the graph node_id : int The hash of the Node. see :py:meth:`beagle.nodes.node.__hash__` Notes --------- Since nodes are de-duplicated before being inserted into the graph, this should only be used to manually add in new data. """ current_data = self.G.nodes[node_id]["data"] for key, value in node.__dict__.items(): # NOTE: Skips edge combination because edge data is # added anyway in self.insert_node() if isinstance(value, defaultdict): continue # Always use the latest value. if value: setattr(current_data, key, value) nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, {node_id: {"data": current_data}})
[docs] @classmethod def graph_to_json(cls, graph: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> dict: backend = cls(nodes=[]) backend.G = graph return backend.to_json()
[docs] def to_json(self) -> dict: """Convert the graph to JSON, which can later be used be read in using networkx:: >>> backend = NetworkX(nodes=nodes) >>> G = backend.graph() >>> data = G.to_json() >>> parsed = networkx.readwrite.json_graph.node_link_graph(data) Returns ------- dict node_link compatible version of the graph. """ def node_to_json(node_id: int, node: Node) -> dict: return { "id": node_id, "properties": node.to_dict(), "_node_type": node.__name__, "_node_class": node.__class__.__name__, "_display": node._display, "_color": node.__color__, } def edge_to_json(edge_id: int, u: int, v: int, edge_key: str, edge_props: dict) -> dict: return { "id": edge_id, "source": u, "target": v, "type": edge_props["edge_name"], "properties": {"data": edge_props["data"]}, } relationships = [ edge_to_json( index + 1, # Unique ID based on index. edge[0], # Source node (u) edge[1], # Destination node (v) edge[2], # Edge type (e.g "wrote") edge[3], # Edge data ) for index, edge in enumerate(self.G.edges(data=True, keys=True)) ] nodes = [ node_to_json(node, node_data["data"]) for node, node_data in self.G.nodes(data=True) ] return { "directed": self.G.is_directed(), "multigraph": self.G.is_multigraph(), "nodes": nodes, "links": relationships, }
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(path_or_obj: Union[str, dict]) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: data = path_or_obj if not isinstance(path_or_obj, dict): data = json.load(open(path_or_obj)) data = cast(Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], data) for key in ["nodes", "links"]: if key not in data: raise ValueError("JSON Was not generated by beagle.") # Create the NX object G = nx.MultiDiGraph() # Create a mapping of class name to class object. node_mapping: Dict[str, Node] = { pair[0]: pair[1] for pair in inspect.getmembers(nodes, inspect.isclass) } # This is the opposite of `node_to_json` in `to_json` for node in data["nodes"]: node_type = node["_node_class"] node_cls: Node = node_mapping[node_type] # Create the class with the node. node_obj = node_cls(**(node.pop("properties"))) # type: ignore node_id = node["id"] G.add_node(node_id, data=node_obj) # Add all edges in a single call G.add_edges_from( [ ( edge["source"], # u edge["target"], # v { "key": edge["id"], # Unique Key "edge_name": edge["type"], # Edge Type "data": edge["properties"]["data"], # Edge Data }, ) for edge in data["links"] ] ) return G