Source code for beagle.datasources.cuckoo_report

import json
from typing import Dict, Generator
from urllib import parse

from beagle.common import split_path, split_reg_path
from beagle.common.logging import logger
from beagle.constants import EventTypes, FieldNames, HTTPMethods, Protocols
from beagle.datasources.base_datasource import DataSource
from beagle.transformers import GenericTransformer

[docs]class CuckooReport(DataSource): """Yields events from a cuckoo sandbox report. Cuckoo now provides a nice summary for each process under the "generic" summary tab:: { "behavior": { "generic": [ { 'process_path': 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\It6QworVAgY.exe', 'process_name': 'It6QworVAgY.exe', 'pid': 2548, 'ppid': 2460, 'summary': { "directory_created" : [...], "dll_loaded" : [...], "file_opened" : [...], "regkey_opened" : [...], "file_moved" : [...], "file_deleted" : [...], "file_exists" : [...], "mutex" : [...], "file_failed" : [...], "guid" : [...], "file_read" : [...], "regkey_re" : [...] ... }, } ] } } Using this, we can crawl and extract out all activity for a specific process. Notes --------- This is based on the output of the following reporting module: Parameters ---------- cuckoo_report : str The file path to the cuckoo sandbox report. """ name = "Cuckoo Sandbox Report" category = "Cuckoo Sandbox" # The category this will output to. # The events object yields both the API calls and the prettified version. transformers = [GenericTransformer] def __init__(self, cuckoo_report: str) -> None: = json.load(open(cuckoo_report, "r")) self.behavior =["behavior"] self.processes: Dict[int, dict] = {}"Set up Cuckoo Sandbox")
[docs] def metadata(self) -> dict: return { "machine":["info"]["machine"]["name"], "package":["info"]["package"], "score":["info"]["score"], "report_id":["info"]["id"], "name":["target"].get("file", {"name": ""})["name"], "category":["target"]["category"], "type":["target"].get("file", {"type": ""})["type"], }
[docs] def events(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: self.processes: Dict[int, dict] = self.identify_processes() # First, do process launching. yield from self.process_tree() # for each process, iterate over it's summary for process_summary in self.behavior["generic"]: # get the parent process = self.processes[int(process_summary["pid"])] # Yield strucutred events. for func in [ self._basic_file_events, self._summary_network_connections, self._regkey_events, ]: yield from func(process_summary["summary"], process) # Finall, yield from global process events: yield from self.global_network_events()
[docs] def identify_processes(self) -> Dict[int, dict]: """The `generic` tab contains an array of processes. We can iterate over it to quickly generate `Process` entries for later. After grabbing all processes, we can walk the "processtree" entry to update them with the command lines. Returns ------- None """ processes = {} for process in self.behavior["generic"]: proc_name, proc_path = split_path(process["process_path"]) processes[int(process["pid"])] = { FieldNames.PROCESS_IMAGE: proc_name, FieldNames.PROCESS_IMAGE_PATH: proc_path, FieldNames.PROCESS_ID: int(process["pid"]), } return processes
[docs] def process_tree(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: def process_single_entry(entry: dict) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: current_proc = self.processes[int(entry["pid"])] current_proc[FieldNames.COMMAND_LINE] = entry["command_line"] self.processes[int(entry["pid"])] = current_proc.copy() children = entry.get("children", []) # If the parent pid is not in the processes, then we need to make an artifical node. if entry["ppid"] not in self.processes: yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.PROCESS_LAUNCHED, FieldNames.TIMESTAMP: entry["first_seen"], FieldNames.PARENT_PROCESS_ID: entry["ppid"], FieldNames.PARENT_PROCESS_IMAGE: "Unknown", FieldNames.PARENT_PROCESS_IMAGE_PATH: "\\", FieldNames.PARENT_COMMAND_LINE: "", **current_proc, } if len(children) > 0: for child in children: child_proc = self.processes[int(child["pid"])] child_proc[FieldNames.COMMAND_LINE] = child["command_line"] self.processes[int(child["pid"])] = child_proc.copy() current_as_parent = self._convert_to_parent_fields(current_proc.copy()) yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.PROCESS_LAUNCHED, FieldNames.TIMESTAMP: child["first_seen"], **current_as_parent, **child_proc, } yield from process_single_entry(child) for entry in self.behavior.get("processtree", []): yield from process_single_entry(entry)
def _basic_file_events( self, process_summary: dict, process: dict ) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: event_type_mappings = { "file_deleted": EventTypes.FILE_DELETED, "file_opened": EventTypes.FILE_OPENED, "file_failed": EventTypes.FILE_OPENED, "file_read": EventTypes.FILE_OPENED, "file_written": EventTypes.FILE_WRITTEN, "dll_loaded": EventTypes.LOADED_MODULE, "file_attribute_changed": EventTypes.FILE_OPENED, "file_exists": EventTypes.FILE_OPENED, } for entry_key, event_type in event_type_mappings.items(): for file_path in process_summary.get(entry_key, []): # Ignore directorys if file_path.endswith("\\"): continue file_name, file_path = split_path(file_path) yield { FieldNames.FILE_NAME: file_name, FieldNames.FILE_PATH: file_path, FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: event_type, **process, } def _summary_network_connections( self, process_summary: dict, process: dict ) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: for dest_hostname in process_summary.get("connects_host", []): yield { FieldNames.IP_ADDRESS: dest_hostname, FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.CONNECTION, **process, } for ip_address in process_summary.get("connects_ip", []): yield { FieldNames.IP_ADDRESS: ip_address, FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.CONNECTION, **process, } for domain in process_summary.get("resolves_host", []): yield { FieldNames.HTTP_HOST: domain, FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.DNS_LOOKUP, **process, } for key in ["fetches_url", "downloads_file"]: for url in process_summary.get(key, []): yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.HTTP_REQUEST, FieldNames.HTTP_METHOD: HTTPMethods.GET, FieldNames.HTTP_HOST: parse.urlparse(url).netloc, FieldNames.URI: parse.urlparse(url).path, **process, } def _regkey_events(self, process_summary: dict, process: dict) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: mapping = { "regkey_written": EventTypes.REG_KEY_SET, "regkey_deleted": EventTypes.REG_KEY_DELETED, "regkey_opened": EventTypes.REG_KEY_OPENED, "regkey_read": EventTypes.REG_KEY_OPENED, } for key, event_type in mapping.items(): for reg_path in process_summary.get(key, []): # RegistryKey Node Creation hive, reg_key_path, reg_key = split_reg_path(reg_path) yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: event_type, FieldNames.HIVE: hive, FieldNames.REG_KEY_PATH: reg_key, FieldNames.REG_KEY: reg_key_path, **process, }
[docs] def global_network_events(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: root_proc_name ="target", {}).get("file", {"name": ""})["name"] root_proc = None if root_proc_name: process_entries = list(self.processes.values()) # Get the submitted sample to match to the network events. for proc in process_entries: if proc[FieldNames.PROCESS_IMAGE] == root_proc_name: root_proc = proc break if not root_proc_name or not root_proc: root_proc = list(self.processes.values())[0] logger.debug(f"Found root process as {root_proc}") network_connections ="network", {}) # Connections # Example entry: # { # "src": "", # "dst": "", # "offset": 299, # "time": 11.827166080474854, # "dport": 55494, # "sport": 5355, # }, for udp_conn in network_connections.get("udp", []): yield { FieldNames.IP_ADDRESS: udp_conn["dst"], FieldNames.PORT: udp_conn["dport"], FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.CONNECTION, FieldNames.PROTOCOL: Protocols.UDP, **root_proc, } # tcp connections for tcp_conn in network_connections.get("tcp", []): yield { FieldNames.IP_ADDRESS: tcp_conn["dst"], FieldNames.PORT: tcp_conn["dport"], FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.CONNECTION, FieldNames.PROTOCOL: Protocols.TCP, **root_proc, } # icmp connections for icmp_conn in network_connections.get("icmp", []): yield { FieldNames.IP_ADDRESS: icmp_conn["dst"], FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.CONNECTION, FieldNames.PROTOCOL: Protocols.ICMP, **root_proc, } for dns_request in network_connections.get("dns", []): # If answers, this will make the resolved to edge from the generic transformer. if "answers" in dns_request and dns_request["answers"]: for answer in dns_request["answers"]: yield { FieldNames.HTTP_HOST: dns_request["request"], FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.DNS_LOOKUP, FieldNames.IP_ADDRESS: answer["data"], **root_proc, } else: # Otherwise, only add the DNS request yield { FieldNames.HTTP_HOST: dns_request["request"], FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.DNS_LOOKUP, **root_proc, } for http_request in network_connections.get("http_ex", []): yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.HTTP_REQUEST, FieldNames.HTTP_METHOD: http_request["method"], FieldNames.HTTP_HOST: http_request["host"], FieldNames.IP_ADDRESS: http_request["dst"], FieldNames.URI: http_request["uri"], **root_proc, }