Source code for beagle.datasources.splunk_spl

import time
import ssl
import urllib
from typing import Generator

from beagle.common.logging import logger
from beagle.config import Config
from beagle.datasources.base_datasource import ExternalDataSource
from beagle.transformers.generic_transformer import GenericTransformer

def request(url, message, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover
    method = message["method"].lower()
    data = message.get("body", "") if method == "post" else None

    if isinstance(data, str):
        data = data.encode("utf-8")

    headers = dict(message.get("headers", []))

    req = urllib.request.Request(url, data, headers)
        response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=ssl._create_unverified_context())
    except urllib.error.HTTPError as response:
        return {
            "status": response.code,
            "reason": response.msg,
            "headers": dict(,
            "body": response,

    return {
        "status": response.code,
        "reason": response.msg,
        "headers": dict(,
        "body": response,

def handler():  # pragma: no cover
    return request

[docs]class SplunkSPLSearch(ExternalDataSource): """Datasource which allows transforming the results of a Splunk search into a graph. Parameters ---------- spl : str The splunk search to transform Raises ------ RuntimeError If there are no Splunk credentials configured. """ name = "Splunk SPL Search" transformers = [GenericTransformer] category = "Splunk" def __init__(self, spl: str, earliest: str = "-24h@h", latest: str = "now"): """Creates a splunk query to pull data from Parameters ---------- spl : str The SPL to run earilest : str, optional The earliest time modifier, by default "24h@h" latest : str, optional The latest time modifier, by default "now" """ self.earliest = earliest self.latest = latest self.spl = self.patch_spl(spl) self.client = self.setup_session()
[docs] def patch_spl(self, spl: str) -> str: """Ensures `search ` is the first command in the SPL. """ if spl[0] == "|": return spl elif spl[0:6] == "search": return spl else: return "search " + spl
[docs] def setup_session(self): # pragma: no cover import splunklib.client as client client_kwargs = { "host": Config.get("splunk", "host"), "username": Config.get("splunk", "username"), "password": Config.get("splunk", "password"), "port": int(Config.get("splunk", "port", fallback=8089)), }"Creating Splunk client for host={client_kwargs['host']}") return client.connect(sharing="global", **client_kwargs, handler=handler())
[docs] def events(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: from splunklib.client import Job job: Job = self.create_search( self.spl, query_kwargs={ "exec_mode": "normal", "earliest_time": self.earliest, "latest_time": self.latest, }, ) self.sid = job.sid"Creating splunk search with sid={self.sid}, waiting for job=Done") while not job.is_done(): logger.debug("Job not done, sleeping") time.sleep(5)"Job is done, getting results") count = 0 for result in self.get_results(job, count=100000000): count += 1 yield result"Processed {count} splunk results")
[docs] def metadata(self) -> dict: # pragma: no cover return {"spl": self.spl}
[docs] def get_results(self, job, count: int) -> list: # pragma: no cover """Return events from a finished Job as an array of dictionaries. Parameters ---------- job : Job Job object to pull results from. Returns ------- list The results of the search. """ import splunklib.results as results out = [result for result in results.ResultsReader(job.results(count=count))] job.cancel() return out