Source code for beagle.datasources.virustotal.generic_vt_sandbox

import json
import re
from typing import Generator, List
from urllib import parse
from random import sample

from beagle.common import split_path
from beagle.common.logging import logger
from beagle.constants import EventTypes, FieldNames, HashAlgos, HTTPMethods, Protocols
from beagle.datasources import DataSource
from beagle.transformers.generic_transformer import GenericTransformer

PROC_PATH_REX = re.compile(
    r"^(?:[a-zA-Z]\:|\\\\[\w\.]+\\[\w.$]+)?\\?(?:[<>%\(\) \w]+\\)*\w([\w.])+"

[docs]class GenericVTSandbox(DataSource): """Converts a Virustotal V3 API behavior report to a Beagle graph. This DataSource outputs data in the schema accepted by `GenericTransformer`. Providing the hash's metadata JSON allows for proper creation of a metadata object. * This can be fetched from{id} Behavior reports come from{id}/behaviours * Beagle generates one graph **per** report in the `attributes` array. Where {id} is the sha256 of the file. Parameters ---------- behaviour_report : str File containing A **single** behaviour report from one of the virustotal linked sandboxes. hash_metadata : str File containing the hashes metadata, containing its detections. """ name = "VirusTotal v3 API Sandbox Report Files" transformers = [GenericTransformer] category = "VT Sandbox" KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES: List[str] = [ "files_deleted", "processes_tree", "files_opened", "files_written", "modules_loaded", "files_attribute_changed", "files_dropped", "has_html_report", "analysis_date", "sandbox_name", "http_conversations", "ip_traffic", "dns_lookups", "registry_keys_opened", "registry_keys_deleted", "registry_keys_set", ] def __init__(self, behaviour_report_file: str, hash_metadata_file: str = None) -> None: behaviour_report = json.load(open(behaviour_report_file, "r", encoding="utf8")) if "attributes" not in behaviour_report: raise AttributeError(f"Supplied behaviour report does not contain any data") hash_metadata = None if hash_metadata_file: hash_metadata = json.load(open(hash_metadata_file, "r")) self.hash_metadata = hash_metadata self.behaviour_report = behaviour_report["attributes"]"Finished setting up GenericVTSandbox") for key in self.behaviour_report.keys(): if key not in self.KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES: logger.debug(f"Unknown key {key} found in VirusTotal sandbox report") def _convert_to_parent_fields(self, process: dict) -> dict: output = {} for left, right in [ (FieldNames.PROCESS_IMAGE, FieldNames.PARENT_PROCESS_IMAGE), (FieldNames.PROCESS_ID, FieldNames.PARENT_PROCESS_ID), (FieldNames.COMMAND_LINE, FieldNames.PARENT_COMMAND_LINE), (FieldNames.PROCESS_IMAGE_PATH, FieldNames.PARENT_PROCESS_IMAGE_PATH), ]: output[right] = process[left] return output def _parse_process_name(self, proc_string: str) -> dict: """Pulls out the comand line, process name, and process path out of a string, if possible""" # NOTE: Case not handeled by the regex, hardcoded result: # Tencent if proc_string == "****.exe": proc_path = "****.exe" # Sometimes, "****.exe --local-service" shows up. elif proc_string.startswith("****.exe"): proc_path = "****.exe" # Dr.web elif proc_string == "<PATH_SAMPLE.EXE>": proc_path = "<PATH_SAMPLE.EXE>" # Manually introduced. elif proc_string == "<SUBMITTED_FILE>": proc_path = "<SUBMITTED_FILE>" # Try and parse the path. else: match = PROC_PATH_REX.match(proc_string) if match: proc_path = else: logger.critical(f"Could not parse {proc_string}") # Leave only the command line command_line = proc_string.replace(proc_path, "") # Remove leading whitespace. command_line = command_line.lstrip() proc_name, proc_path = split_path(proc_path) return { FieldNames.PROCESS_IMAGE: proc_name, FieldNames.PROCESS_IMAGE_PATH: proc_path, FieldNames.COMMAND_LINE: command_line, } def _get_root_proc(self) -> dict: """Returns the root process. This will be the first process in the process_tree entry. Returns ------- dict [description] """ if "processes_tree" in self.behaviour_report: proc_tree = self.behaviour_report["processes_tree"] first_process: dict = proc_tree[0].copy() # Pop children if possible first_process.pop("children", None) process_dict = self._parse_process_name(first_process["name"]) process_dict[FieldNames.PROCESS_ID] = first_process.get("process_id", 0) else: process_dict = self._parse_process_name("<SUBMITTED_FILE>") process_dict[FieldNames.PROCESS_ID] = 0 return process_dict
[docs] def metadata(self) -> dict: """Generates the metadata based on the provided hash_metadata file. Returns ------- dict Name, number of malicious detections, AV results, and common_name from VT. """ if self.hash_metadata is None: return {} # Otherwise pull out the attributes meta = self.hash_metadata["data"]["attributes"] possible_detection = [ {engine: engine_data["result"]} for engine, engine_data in meta["last_analysis_results"].items() if engine_data["result"] ] if len(possible_detection) > 0: key, value = next(iter(sample(possible_detection, 1)[0].items())) # type: ignore random_key = f"{key}: {value}" else: random_key = "Clean!" return { "name": meta.get("meaningful_name", ""), "malicious": meta["last_analysis_stats"]["malicious"], "results": random_key, "sandbox_name": self.behaviour_report["sandbox_name"], "sha256": meta["sha256"], }
[docs] def events(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: self.parent_process = self._get_root_proc() for function in [ self._proc_tree, self._basic_file_events, self._complex_file_events, self._network_events, self._basic_registry_events, self._complex_registry_events, ]: yield from function()
def _proc_tree(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Yields every entry in the processes_tree key as a dict containing the parent and child information Example -------- The following entry: >>> { "children": [ { "name": "%WINDIR%\\syswow64\\cscript.exe", "process_id": "2268", "time_offset": 3 } ], "name": "%WINDIR%\\syswow64\\cmd.exe", "process_id": "2764", "time_offset": 3 }, Would be transformed into >>> { "parent_process": "<PATH_SAMPLE.EXE>", "parent_process_id": "3420", "process_id": "3712", "time_offset": 5, "name": "<SYSTEM32>\\cmd.exe", FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.PROCESS_LAUNCHED, } Returns ------- Generator[dict, None, None] All parent and child combinations from the processes_tree entry. """ # These can be nested. See `tests/datasources/virustotal/test_files/example_drweb_nested_children.json` def process_entry(entry: dict) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: # No need to send something that has no children # as it will be included in whatever launched it # Get the current process, and convert the fields parent_proc = self._parse_process_name(entry["name"]) parent_proc[FieldNames.PROCESS_ID] = entry["process_id"] parent_proc = self._convert_to_parent_fields(parent_proc) if "children" in entry: for child in entry["children"]: _child = child.copy() if "children" in _child: _child.pop("children") child_proc = self._parse_process_name(_child["name"]) child_proc[FieldNames.PROCESS_ID] = _child["process_id"] output = {**parent_proc, **child_proc} output[FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE] = EventTypes.PROCESS_LAUNCHED if "time_offset" in _child: output[FieldNames.TIMESTAMP] = _child["time_offset"] yield output yield from process_entry(child) for entry in self.behaviour_report.get("processes_tree", []): yield from process_entry(entry) def _basic_file_events(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: event_type_mappings = { "files_deleted": EventTypes.FILE_DELETED, "files_opened": EventTypes.FILE_OPENED, "files_written": EventTypes.FILE_WRITTEN, "modules_loaded": EventTypes.LOADED_MODULE, "files_attribute_changed": EventTypes.FILE_OPENED, } for entry_key, event_type in event_type_mappings.items(): for file_path in self.behaviour_report.get(entry_key, []): file_name, file_path = split_path(file_path) yield { FieldNames.FILE_NAME: file_name, FieldNames.FILE_PATH: file_path, FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: event_type, **self.parent_process, } def _complex_file_events(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """Generator over files_dropped and files_copied events""" for copied_file in self.behaviour_report.get("files_copied", []): dst_file_name, dst_file_path = split_path(copied_file["destination"]) src_file_name, src_file_path = split_path(copied_file["source"]) yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.FILE_COPIED, FieldNames.SRC_FILE: { FieldNames.FILE_NAME: src_file_name, FieldNames.FILE_PATH: src_file_path, }, FieldNames.DEST_FILE: { FieldNames.FILE_NAME: dst_file_name, FieldNames.FILE_PATH: dst_file_path, }, **self.parent_process, } for dropped_file in self.behaviour_report.get("files_dropped", []): file_name, file_path = split_path(dropped_file["path"]) yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.FILE_WRITTEN, FieldNames.FILE_NAME: file_name, FieldNames.FILE_PATH: file_path, FieldNames.HASHES: {HashAlgos.SHA256: dropped_file["sha256"]}, **self.parent_process, } def _network_events(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: for http_request in self.behaviour_report.get("http_conversations", []): yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.HTTP_REQUEST, FieldNames.HTTP_METHOD: http_request.get("request_method", HTTPMethods.GET), FieldNames.HTTP_HOST: parse.urlparse(http_request["url"]).netloc, FieldNames.URI: parse.urlparse(http_request["url"]).path, **self.parent_process, } for connection in self.behaviour_report.get("ip_traffic", []): yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.CONNECTION, FieldNames.IP_ADDRESS: connection["destination_ip"], FieldNames.PORT: connection["destination_port"], FieldNames.PROTOCOL: connection.get("transport_layer_protocol", Protocols.TCP), **self.parent_process, } for dnslookup in self.behaviour_report.get("dns_lookups", []): for ip in dnslookup.get("resolved_ips", []): yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.DNS_LOOKUP, FieldNames.HTTP_HOST: dnslookup["hostname"], FieldNames.IP_ADDRESS: ip, **self.parent_process, } # If no IPs else: yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.DNS_LOOKUP, FieldNames.HTTP_HOST: dnslookup["hostname"], **self.parent_process, } def _basic_registry_events(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: mapping = { "registry_keys_opened": EventTypes.REG_KEY_OPENED, "registry_keys_deleted": EventTypes.REG_KEY_DELETED, } for key, event_type in mapping.items(): for reg_path in self.behaviour_report.get(key, []): # RegistryKey Node Creation hive = reg_path.split("\\")[0] reg_key = "\\".join(reg_path.split("\\")[1:-1]) reg_key_path = reg_path.split("\\")[-1] yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: event_type, FieldNames.HIVE: hive, FieldNames.REG_KEY_PATH: reg_key, FieldNames.REG_KEY: reg_key_path, **self.parent_process, } def _complex_registry_events(self) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: for reg_key_set in self.behaviour_report.get("registry_keys_set", []): reg_path = reg_key_set["key"] # RegistryKey Node Creation hive = reg_path.split("\\")[0] reg_key = "\\".join(reg_path.split("\\")[1:-1]) reg_key_path = reg_path.split("\\")[-1] yield { FieldNames.EVENT_TYPE: EventTypes.REG_KEY_SET, FieldNames.HIVE: hive, FieldNames.REG_KEY_PATH: reg_key, FieldNames.REG_KEY: reg_key_path, FieldNames.REG_KEY_VALUE: reg_key_set.get("value"), **self.parent_process, }