Source code for beagle.datasources.virustotal.generic_vt_sandbox_api

import requests

from beagle.common.logging import logger
from beagle.config import Config
from beagle.datasources.base_datasource import ExternalDataSource
from beagle.transformers.generic_transformer import GenericTransformer
from beagle.datasources.virustotal import GenericVTSandbox

[docs]class GenericVTSandboxAPI(ExternalDataSource, GenericVTSandbox): """A class which provides an easy way to fetch VT v3 API sandbox data. This can be used to directly pull sandbox data from VT. Parameters ---------- file_hash : str The hash of the file you want to graph. sandbox_name : str, optional The name of the sandbox you want to pull from VT (there may be multiple available). (the default is None, which picks the first one) Raises ------ RuntimeError If there is not virustotal API key defined. Examples --------- >>> datasource = GenericVTSandboxAPI( file_hash="ed01ebfbc9eb5bbea545af4d01bf5f1071661840480439c6e5babe8e080e41aa', sandbox_name="Dr.Web vxCube" ) """ name = "VirusTotal v3 API Sandbox Report" transformers = [GenericTransformer] category = "VT Sandbox" def __init__(self, file_hash: str, sandbox_name: str = None): api_key = Config.get("virustotal", "api_key") if not api_key: logger.critical( f"BEAGLE__VIRUSTOTAL__API_KEY not found in enviroment variables or beagle.config object" ) raise RuntimeError( "BEAGLE__VIRUSTOTAL__API_KEY not found in enviroment variables or beagle.config object" )"Grabbing metadata and sandbox reports for {file_hash}") headers = {"x-apikey": api_key} self.hash_metadata = requests.get( f"{file_hash}", headers=headers ).json() behaviour_reports = requests.get( f"{file_hash}/behaviours", headers=headers ).json() # Get the sandbox we want, or the first one. if sandbox_name: possible_sandboxes = [ report["attributes"]["sandbox_name"] for report in behaviour_reports["data"] ]"Sample has reports from {','.join(possible_sandboxes)}") if sandbox_name in possible_sandboxes:"Requested sandbox {sandbox_name} availble, using it.") behaviour_report = list( filter( lambda val: val["attributes"]["sandbox_name"] == sandbox_name, behaviour_reports["data"], ) )[0] else:"Requested sandbox {sandbox_name} not found, using first sandbox.") behaviour_report = behaviour_reports["data"][0] else: behaviour_report = behaviour_reports["data"][0] f"No sandbox specified, using {behaviour_report['attributes']['sandbox_name']}" ) self.behaviour_report = behaviour_report[ "attributes" ] # Set up same way as GenericVTSandbox