Source code for beagle.transformers.base_transformer

import multiprocessing as mp
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread, current_thread
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Any

from beagle.backends.networkx import NetworkX
from beagle.common import logger
from beagle.datasources import DataSource
from beagle.nodes import Node

_THREAD_COUNT = mp.cpu_count()

# Object to signal termination of processing.
_SENTINEL = object()

    from beagle.backends.base_backend import Backend

[docs]class Transformer(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base Transformer class. This class implements a producer/consumer queue from the datasource to the :py:meth:`transform` method. Producing the list of nodes is done via :py:meth:`run` Parameters ---------- datasource : DataSource The `DataSource` to get events from. """ def __init__(self, datasource: DataSource) -> None: self.count = 0 self._queue: Queue = Queue() self.datasource = datasource self.nodes: List[Node] = [] self.errors: Dict[Thread, List[Exception]] = {}
[docs] def to_graph(self, backend: "Backend" = NetworkX, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """Graphs the nodes created by :py:meth:`run`. If no backend is specific, the default used is NetworkX. Parameters ---------- backend : [type], optional [description] (the default is NetworkX, which [default_description]) Returns ------- [type] [description] """ nodes = backend = backend(nodes=nodes, metadata=self.datasource.metadata(), *args, **kwargs) return backend.graph()
[docs] def run(self) -> List[Node]: """Generates the list of nodes from the datasource. This methods kicks off a producer/consumer queue. The producer grabs events one by one from the datasource by iterating over the events from the `events` generator. Each event is then sent to the :py:meth:`transformer` function to be transformer into one or more `Node` objects. Returns ------- List[Node] All Nodes created from the data source. """ logger.debug("Launching transformer") threads: List[Thread] = [] producer_thread = Thread(target=self._producer_thread) producer_thread.start() threads.append(producer_thread) self.errors[producer_thread] = [] logger.debug("Started producer thread") consumer_count = _THREAD_COUNT - 1 if consumer_count == 0: consumer_count = 1 for i in range(consumer_count): t = Thread(target=self._consumer_thread) self.errors[t] = [] t.start() threads.append(t) logger.debug(f"Started {_THREAD_COUNT-1} consumer threads") # Wait for the producer to finish producer_thread.join() self._queue.join() # Stop the threads for i in range(consumer_count): self._queue.put(_SENTINEL) for thread in threads: thread.join()"Finished processing of events, created {len(self.nodes)} nodes.") if any([len(x) > 0 for x in self.errors.values()]): logger.warning(f"Parsing finished with errors.") logger.debug(self.errors) return self.nodes
def _producer_thread(self) -> None: i = 0 for element in self._queue.put(element, block=True) i += 1 logger.debug(f"Producer Thread {current_thread().name} finished after {i} events") return def _consumer_thread(self) -> None: processed = 0 while True: event = self._queue.get() processed += 1 if event is _SENTINEL: logger.debug( f"Consumer Thread {current_thread().name} finished after processing {processed} events" ) return try: nodes = self.transform(event) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Error when parsing event, recieved exception {e}") logger.debug(event) self.errors[current_thread()].append(e) nodes = [] if nodes: self.nodes += nodes self._queue.task_done()
[docs] @abstractmethod def transform(self, event: dict) -> Optional[Iterable[Node]]: raise NotImplementedError("Transformers must implement transform!")