Source code for beagle.backends.graphistry

import os

import graphistry
import networkx as nx
from beagle.backends.networkx import NetworkX
from beagle.common import logger
from beagle.config import Config

[docs]class Graphistry(NetworkX): """Visualizes the graph using the graphistry platform ( Examples -------- >>> SysmonEVTX('sysmon_evtx_file.evtx').to_graph(Graphistry, render=True) Parameters ---------- anonymize : bool, optional Should the data be anonymized before sending to graphistry? (the default is False, which does not.) render : bool, optional Should the result of :py:meth:`graph` be a IPython widget? (default value is False, which returns the URL). """ def __init__(self, anonymize: bool = False, render: bool = False, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.anonymize = anonymize self.render = render"Initialized Graphistry Backend") self.key = self._get_key() if self.key is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Please set the graphistry API key in either the GRAPHISTRY_API_KEY" + " or BEAGLE__GRAPHISTRY__API_KEY enviroment variables" ) def _get_key(self) -> str: """Gets the graphistry API key from the enviroment variables or config. Returns ------- str The graphistry API key. """ if "GRAPHISTRY_API_KEY" in os.environ: return os.environ["GRAPHISTRY_API_KEY"] else: return Config.get("graphistry", "api_key")
[docs] def anonymize_graph(self) -> "nx.MultiDiGraph": """Anonymizes the underlying graph before sending to Graphistry. Returns ------- nx.MultiDiGraph The same graph structure, but without attributes. """ json_graph = self.to_json() # Remove all properties from nodes, leave only IDs json_graph["nodes"] = [{"id": node["id"]} for node in json_graph["nodes"]] json_graph["links"] = [ {"source": edge["source"], "target": edge["target"]} for edge in json_graph["links"] ] return nx.readwrite.jsom_graph.node_link_graph(json_graph)
[docs] def graph(self): """Return the Graphistry URL for the graph, or an IPython Widget Parameters ---------- render : bool, optional Should the result be a IPython widget? (default value is False, which returns the URL). Returns ------- Union[str, IPython.core.display.HTML] str with URL to graphistry object when render if False, otherwise HTML widget for IPython. """ super().graph() graphistry.register(self.key) # Convert to JSON for graphistry due to node data being objects. if self.anonymize: G = self.anoynmize_graph() return graphistry.bind( source="src", destination="dst", point_label="_id", edge_label="type" ).plot(G, render=self.render) else: G = nx.readwrite.json_graph.node_link_graph(self.to_json()) return graphistry.bind( source="src", destination="dst", point_label="_display", edge_label="type" ).plot(G, render=self.render)